How the government intends to make wind turbines acceptable renewable energy
"It's a necessity, it's vital".The Minister of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, had no words strong enough to convince the need to develop wind during the presentation, on October 5, of ten measures to encourage the development of this renewable energy onthe territory.The stakes are high.Despite an 8 % increase in wind production capacity in 2020, France is late compared to its objective.The cumulative power of wind turbines must indeed double by 2030.
But wind power is struggling to settle in France.According to a report published by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in 2018, 70 % of the authorizations issued for the construction of parks are disputed.These remedies lead to the extension of projects.They can take seven to nine years to succeed, against three to four years in Germany.Wind turbines are notably accused of disfiguring the landscapes, of being at the origin of noise pollution, of not being recyclable or of having a negative impact on biodiversity, by killing for example birds with the blades.
Measures to encourage acceptability
To lift this brake, the government has highlighted measures to encourage the acceptability of wind turbines, most of which are old.Barbara Pompili, for example, put forward the existence of a wind turbine mediator for the most controversial projects, the compulsory consultation of the mayor before the launch of a project, the implementation of regional energy committees, the obligation to recycle 90 % of wind turbines dismantled from2022, or even systematic noise control.
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To respond to the concerns about landscapes, the government has announced the creation of a "safeguarding of natural and cultural heritage", which will be supplied by 1% of electricity sales of wind origin in France.The money raised, around 30 to 40 million euros per year, should make it possible to finance the protection and restoration of the heritage of the municipalities hosting a land or sea wind farm."It is a big step forward, result of months of work with the territories and the citizens to build a strategy that goes in the right direction," praised Michel Gioria, general delegate of France wind power, spokesperson for companieswind energy in France.
Restore a "pro-wind" majority voice
But these numerous appeals do not necessarily translate the position of the French on wind turbines, according to a recent survey published by Harris Interactive.70% of respondents have a favorable image of wind energy, and, surprisingly, membership is even more marked among those living less than ten kilometers from a park.The government thus intends to rely on this majority by promoting the creation of "citizen parks", like that initiated in Bégane, in Brittany.Inaugurated in 2014, the site includes four wind turbines funded and held by a thousand citizens."Rare thing" underlines the shared energy website which lists these projects in France: "no appeal has been filed to counter the park".Barbara Pompili announced that these citizen parks would benefit from a bonus during tenders.
The anti-wind minority, however, has a strong political echo, especially on the right and the far right.Witness the heated debates in the National Assembly on October 7.MP LR Julien Aubert notably called for "reasoning the development of wind" and saying "stop anarchic proliferation"."Wind turbines is not so much a technical and political question today," said Alexis Monteil-Guel, head of renewable energies projects within the CLER."Increase in energy prices, supply security, fight against global warming, sovereignty ... wind power is at the heart of daily life".
Pauline Fricot, @Paulinefricrac